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Why thousands of families choose Yepstr for babysitting

It can be difficult to find a babysitter. There are many different companies and lots of young people eager for work experience. Yepstr makes it easier for you to find a good match! Finding a babysitter should be easy and affordable for everyone.


We have over 45,000+ babysitters across Sweden and we always match you with a babysitter in your neighbourhood.

Flexible and simple

We will help you find a babysitter, how often you need help is entirely up to you. Get help regularly or sporadically, from one babysitter and price.

Safe and secure

All of our babysitter are verified with BankID and background checked. In addition, insurance is always included.

How babysitting works through Yepstr

Get started in just a few minutes. Download the app for free, fill in your need and publish your search. We will match you with verified and local babysitters based on your needs. From this point, you can view their profile, chat, schedule an interview (for free!), book babysitting and pay according to your needs. No middleman, no time requirements per booking - just the way babysitting is supposed to work.


Download the app

Download the app on App store or Google play and fill in your needs.


Receive candidates

Get matched with verified and local babysitters. View their profile and chat through the app.


Free interview

If it's a good match you can continue by booking and paying easily through the app.

Barnvakt leker med barn pÄ golvet

Babysitting from a neighbour

Yepstr has increased its popularity since our launch in 2015. Today, we have more babysitters than any other service in Sweden. Hiring a babysitter is not the same as hiring a someone to mow your lawn. Babysitting is, what we call, a relationship service. We know it’s very important for you to be comfortable with your babysitter so that you can have a long and successful relationship.

Babysitting that everyone can afford

The hourly rate of a babysitter is on average 120 SEK/hour after RUT-deduction depending on age and level. You can easily pay through the Yepstr app. To make sure that you are comfortable with your babysitter we recommend that you book interviews, which of course are completely free of charge.

Barnvakt gÄr hand i hand med en liten pojke

Safe & secure with BankID

We know that the step of handing over responsibility for their children to someone else can be difficult to take. And many therefore choose to take help from relatives and friends that you know and trust because it feels safe and secure. But not everyone has that opportunity. Many have family in another place, perhaps even in another country. We know that, and that's exactly why we exist.

All young people who are looking for assignments via Yepstr register and identify themselves with BankID, just like you. In this way, we keep track of and can verify all our users. Safe, secure and easy.

BankID logotyp

Verified with BankID

We know our users. All users are verified through 3 steps, including BankID
IF försÀkring logotyp

Insurance through IF

Always insured. Accident, property and liability insurance is always included when booking and paying via Yepstr.

Background checks

Everyone who uses Yepstr have to pass a regular background check where no criminal records are allowed. This ensures the safety of not only you, but the babysitters as well.

What other families say about Yepstr

Find your perfect babysitter today

‍At Yepstr, you can choose from over 45,000 reliable babysitters. All you have to do is download the Yepstr app, register with BankID, and create a profile with profile picture. Then you're up and running! You get instant tips on babysitters in your area and you can easily favorite the candidates that you like.

In our list of candidates near you, you can immediately seethe babysitters name, age, profile picture, how far away they live and how many previous babysitting jobs they have had, with reviews. There is also a recommended hourly salary. Everything that you will need to feel safe.

You can then easily get in touch with the babysitter you want by going to their profile and pressing “Contact”. However, be sure to fill out a presentation yourself before contacting a babysitter. They should feel as safe as you, right? When you have established contact, you can book a first meeting for free. Welcome to Yepstr — it doesn't get easier than that!

Barnvakt lÀser för tvÄ smÄbarn

Get matched with a babysitter today

Get the app through App store or Google Play and get matched with verified and background checked babysitters in your neighbourhood
Barnvakt lÀser för tvÄ barn i soffan
Tre av Yepstrs kundtjÀnstpersonal. Michelle, Odette och Filip.
Do you have questions or need help with getting started?
Open 9am-5pm Monday-Friday
Contact us

Frequently asked questions about babysitting

☝ How do I hire a babysitter?

Download the Yepstr app, create a search and get in contact with reliable and verified babysitters in your neighbourhood. You choose your own babysitter and can book interviews for free.

💰 What does a babysitter cost?

The average hourly price of a babysitter is 120 kr/h after RUT-deduction. The price depends on the babysitters age and experience. Yepstr recommends an hourly price but you and the babysitter can agree on your own.

đŸŽ€ Can I meet the babysitter first?

Of course! At Yepstr, interviews are always free to make sure it's a good fit.

đŸ€” What should I keep in mind when hiring a babysitter?

The most important thing is that you and your child is happy with the babysitter. If possible, make sure to be present during the first shift. It's usually comfortable for everyone!

Choose Your Own Arrangement

‍Whether it involves picking up and dropping off at preschool or school, helping with homework, or simply providing playtime and companionship, how you want your childcare to be structured is entirely up to you. At Yepstr, we don't make any decisions for you. The details of your arrangement are completely in your hands. You have the flexibility to schedule sessions whenever and as often as you like, without committing to a fixed weekly schedule. We trust that families and babysitters will maintain a good dialogue and manage their cooperation in a way that satisfies everyone.

Insurance Included

‍Accidents are unpredictable, so to ensure extra security for all parties, accident insurance is included in all our assignments. All young people are also insured during, and on the way to and from, their work shifts.

Pay Directly in the App

‍How does payment work? It’s as simple as everything else—you pay in the app using a card or Swish, and the money is transferred directly into the young person's account.


Bild av en mobil med Yepstr appen som visar en chatt med en barnvakt som blir bokad för barnpassning