Adhd in children - what is it & how is it felt?

It has often been said that children have "ants in their pants", and everyone knows what that means. Children have a great need for movement and activity. This is not strange. Some children have greater needs, others less - but everyone needs to move. Children may also have difficulty controlling their impulses. Nor is it anything strange. But there are those children who have an extra great need to move, and have a very hard time controlling their impulses, because the body simply decides for them. This is ADHD in children. There are different forms of this diagnosis and it can be labeled in many different ways.How do you know if your child has ADHD? What signals can you look for? And how can you best help your child? Here you will find the answers!
What is adhd in children?
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) occurs in 3-6% of all school children. It is thus far from all "active" children who actually have a diagnosis, which is important to think about before drawing hasty conclusions just because you think a child is "a little too wild".ADHD is a congenital neuropsychiatric disability, which means that the child has it from the beginning. Other such diagnoses are autism,Aspergers syndrome and Tourettes. The reason they are called neuropsychiatric is because they are caused by the brain and nervous system processing information in a different way. You can read more about what ADHD depends on below.
Strengths with the diagnosis
Having ADHD is not just about disadvantages and weaknesses, on the contrary - many of the characteristics can become strengths if you just learn to deal with them. People with hyperactivity are often creative, pushy and fearless. Totally okay qualities huh? More about the strengths of ADHD can be found at the end of the article.All children are different. Some are calmer, others more intense. Some are controlled, others emotionally driven. And one should be careful before drawing conclusions about a child's possible difficulties. However, if you notice that your child has difficulty coping with everyday life, and suspect that it may be ADHD, or some other disability, you should act immediately so that the child can get the help he or she needs. More information about investigation and diagnosis can be found a little further down. On you can download a detailed brochure about what ADHD is, and what type of support and treatment may be needed.

From what age can you notice ADHD in children?
At what age you notice the problem can differ greatly from person to person - some notice it already in preschool, while others discover it only in adolescence or even as late as adulthood. The problems can also vary during different periods in life. How much a person is affected simply depends on how the problem is expressed and how it is and how much it limits everyday life. It is also to some extent about what the environment looks like and what demands are placed on the individual. Diagnosis can be made from 3-6 years of age.More information about this can be found at
The three forms of ADHD
In Swedish, we call the problem attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and you can have equal difficulties with both parts, or more or less of either of them. The three different forms are:
- Combined form - difficulties in terms of both concentration and hyperactivity. The person has difficulty focusing, maintaining attention, managing impulses, and easily becomes hyperactive. This is the most common form.
- Mainly lack of attention - the difficulties are mainly about attention and concentration. There may also be problems with hyperactivity and impulse management, or the person may have a lower activity level than normal. This form of adhd is called add(attention deficit disorder).
- Mainly hyperactive -impulsive form - the difficulties are mainly about impulse management and hyperactivity. The person may to some extent also have attention problems. This form is more unusual than the other two, and most often occurs in preschool children.
The problem can thus apply to one or more areas, and express itself in many different ways. It is also common for the difficulties to vary and change over time. Hyperactivity is usually outwardly relieved with age, but can often persist as a feeling of inner restlessness. Attention difficulties, on the other hand, can worsen with age, as you need to take on more responsibility and have higher demands placed on you. It is therefore important to make sure you get help if you feel that everyday life is difficult to handle.On you will find more about this.

What causes ADHD?
It is not yet entirely certain what ADHD is due to, but we know that it is partly about how the brain works and works, partly heredity and the environment.
The brain
So it is the activity of the brain and how it processes information that looks different in people with ADHD. Above all, it is the part of the brain that enables us to focus attention and control impulses and reactions that differ. This means that the ability to control and plan one's actions and emotions is impaired.In order for the brain's different nerve cells to be able to communicate with each other, so-called signal substances are needed. Dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine are such substances, and they are extra important for communication - these work in a different way in people with ADHD.
Heritage & environment
It is common for the difficulties to be present in several people within the same family or relatives. Heredity is the most common cause of the problem, but there are also other biological and psychosocial factors that can affect. Both heritage and environment can thus control the emergence of the difficulties, and the degree of them.The information comes from 1177

This is how you notice ADHD in children
Remember that children are different, and be careful about adopting and drawing your own conclusions about possible difficulties. If you suspect that your child has ADHD, the first step is to contact the health service to get a referral to make an investigation. The investigation then usually takes place at a psychiatric clinic. You will find more about this below.There are some general, ie. common, characters you can look for:
- Concentration difficulties – the child has too much in his head, or thinks things get boring quickly.
- Hard to get to shots – the child has difficulty getting started with tasks, and completing them. Hen often postpones things to be done until it is too late.
- Impaired understanding – the child has difficulty perceiving and remembering instructions.
- Carlessness – the child has difficulty keeping order, and often forgets and loses his things. He often also has difficulty adjusting to times.
Other signs (in older children)
- Writing or reading difficulties – the child finds it difficult to write or read.
- Act first – the child sometimes does things without thinking before.
- Restlessness – the child has a great need to move. Sometimes it can be an inner worry.
- Mood swings – the child may have difficulty controlling his mood and impulses.
- Difficulty sleeping – the child has difficulty sleeping because the brain cannot unwind.
The list comes from 1177. And if the child has the diagnosis, it recognizes itself on several of these points.If you want to talk to your child about signs of hyperactivity, you will find good questions to ask

Adhd in young children
If you suspect that your preschooler has ADHD, you will find more information about early signs as well as tips and advice on
Contemporary diagnoses
It is common to have more than one neuropsychiatric diagnosis. Often people with ADHD also have problems with their language development and may have diagnoses such as dyslexia and / or dyscalculia (writing and arithmetic difficulties). Impaired coordination is also common, as are difficulties with play and interaction.You can read more about this at
Investigation and diagnosis
In order to carry out an investigation, you must have received a referral. If the investigation concerns a child under the age of 5, you can primarily contact BVC. If the child is older than 5 years, you can instead contact a pediatric clinic or health center. You can also choose to contact child and adolescent psychiatry directly - bup. You will then receive an initial assessment before initiating a possible investigation.The investigation then takes place at a psychiatric clinic, where a doctor asks questions to both children and parents. Often, staff from school or preschool are also contacted to describe how the child works in those environments.
The questions can be formulated as follows:
- What has the development been like? When did the child learn to walk and talk?
- What strengths and difficulties does the child have?
- Does the child have problems with sleep or food / eating?
- How does the child work with other children?
- Is there anyone else in the family who has similar difficulties?
The doctor makes a diagnosis if the difficulties have been around for a long time, cause major problems in everyday life, and if the behavior has no other explanation. It is also required that you notice the problem in at least two different environments - for example both at home and at preschool and / or in your free time.

Positive aspects of adhd
It is easy to focus on the bad, on the problems themselves, when talking about diagnoses, but there are also positive things to be gained from them. Anders Hansen, author and chief physician in psychiatry, has written the book Advantage of ADHD, listing the following characteristics of people with the diagnosis:
- Creative
- Initiative-rich
- Propulsive
- Energetic
- Unafraid
- Flexible
- Envisa
- Intuitive & questioning
- Good at seeing things from other points of view
- Good at shaking off adversity
The list is found on, and you will find it and an interview with Anders Hansen here.
The importance of getting help
If you suspect that your child has ADHD, you should immediately contact the health service to start an investigation. Of course, it can feel scary, both for the child and for you as a parent, but it can really change your child's life. If your child gets a diagnosis, it can sort out as many questions as you both have been wondering for a long time. And it can explain a lot in your child's behavior that the child himself can not explain. Do not be afraid of a diagnosis - it can be the beginning of an easier life. If you ignore the child's problems, there is a risk that the child will have poor self-esteem, anxiety and depression. It's simply not worth it.If you are the parent of a child with hyperactivity, you will find good advice and tips 1177.On MomentPsykologi.seYou can read about how to best treat a child with ADHD.Curious about similar diagnoses? Here you can read about autismin children.Do you want to read more about other childhood diseases? Hereyou will find information whooping cough, rubella, etc.On our blog you can also read about children development 0-1 years and 1-2 year.

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