Finding a summer job when you are young can make a big difference. More money in your pocket, but also many important lessons for the future!
Store(food or clothes)
Often nice conditionsCan get boring and you can easily get rid of your workouts
Restaurant,café or kiosk
Fun environment, often happens a lot, you learn speedSome places can have a worse work environment, often stressful
Fast foodrestaurant
You learn a lot, it is usually easy to get hours once you have enteredOften hot and sweaty and you can smell food for many hours after you get home
Phone(sell or support)
If you are good, you can earn a lot, you will learn to sellCan be very stressful and you get evaluated every hour
Baby-sitteror homework help
Flexible, often well paid per hour, builds contactsHard to get enough hours
Little experience
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