12 youth jobs for you who want to work extra during high school

Are you one of the high school students who feels that the study or child allowance is not enough? Then extra work is a good solution to make money in your free time. At the same time as you earn extra money, you are also preparing for the future. Many employers think it is good that you had a youth job already during high school. In addition, you get to test on different jobs early, so that you can make wise career choices.Of course, there are extra jobs for young people under the age of 18, but they must follow certain rules and have time for school. We have listed 12 youth jobs that fit well with the rules and school schedules.Before you read about where to find the jobs, here are four things to keep in mind when looking for your first extra job.
- Location: It is important that you can get to and from work easily and stress-free. Partly because you will be able to keep your spirits up at work, but also because you will have time in time if you suffer from delays.Schedule: Make sure that your job can be adapted to your schedule. Think about what suits you best, a specific schedule or a flexible one that is decided weekly. Make sure you have enough time left over for important exams or school trips.
- Workload: If the job requires a lot of physical effort, it can be good to do a trial job before. Physically strenuous extra work often takes more effort than you think and the short hours quickly feel long.
- Reputation: Everything may seem good when you read about your new job on their website or go to a job interview, but it is easy to get misled.
- Contact f.d. employees and ask how their experience has been. Does the boss keep what they promise in the interview? Is it a company that has had a youth job before? Most people are just happy to help!
Of course, all these points also help for you who want to be self-employed. Yepstr is the app for you who want to try to be self-employed and work when you can and want to do it.Get Yepstr today!Now we look at the twelve best extra jobs for you who are still in high school!
Youth jobs in the service professions
Work as a shop assistant

Many clothing and technology chains employ young people with a special interest in the products. Here, there may be additional upsides in addition to the salary and the flexible times, namely the employee discount.Tip: Visit the store you can imagine working in, personally, to submit your CV.Find store jobs
- H&M: show vacant store jobs
- Webhallen: show vacant store jobs
Work in a restaurant / café

Nowhere will you be greeted by as many smiles as from those you serve food or coffee. Restaurant or café experience means proof that you can handle money and manage a fast pace. There is often a lot of work involved, so be careful not to be dragged in for more hours than you can handle.Tip: You may have trouble finding a restaurant or café looking for staff. Then you can ask if they can not save your number in case someone in the staff should get sick. The restaurant world is used to youth jobs and you will meet many peers.Find a restaurant job
- Knife & fork: show vacant restaurant jobs
- Vapiano: show vacant restaurant jobs
Work with catering

As a catering staff, you wear uniforms at work, mingle with laughing guests and eat leftover food. Almost too good to be true. Catering, however, often takes place late at night, even on weekends, and is a rather irregular extra job.Tip: Catering jobs involve a lot of tips and often even paid under the table. Make sure you get a contract and a base salary, so you can use the experience when applying for the next job.From catering to serving help, tips for the party can be found here.Find catering jobs
- Knife & fork: show vacant catering jobs
Work in a hotel

Working in a hotel is the ultimate form of service. If you are constantly happy and helpful, this is the perfect extra job during your teens. Often, however, it means late evenings or early mornings.Tip: As with restaurant jobs, you can ask for probationary work in case any employee becomes ill, or if they need breakfast staff.Find Hotel Jobs:
- Elite Hotels: show vacant hotel jobs
- Scandic Hotels: show vacant hotel jobs
Youth jobs locally
Work in a kiosk

Working in Most local areas have their own kiosk where they can buy milk before dinner or a piece of candy on the way home from school.Tip: You are probably already 'served' with the owner and used to seeing him hanging behind the counter every time you run past with the small coins in full swing. Take the opportunity to ask if there is no space for you to work one hour a week, so he can rest.Find a cash job:
- The Press Office: show vancant jobs
Work at a fast food restaurant

Fast food restaurants take great pride in being at the forefront of youth jobs. There is a high turnover of people and there are many free hours to work. Here, there is a clear and distinct process for how you get promotion or salary increase, which provides some security.Tip: Search several times. Fast food restaurants often receive huge amounts of applications, often it is only chance that decides whether you get it or not.Find fast food jobs:
- McDonalds: show show job vacancies
- Subway: show show job vacancies
Work in a grocery store

If you do not mind meeting your neighbors, friends and family when they are out on weekend shopping, grocery stores are a very good way to make a lot of money in a short time. With overtime supplements, the salary will be quite good and two weekends a month can mean an extra trip next summer vacation.Tip: You probably already have friends or older siblings who work or have worked in grocery stores, ask them for a recommendation!Find store jobs:
- Lidl: show vacant store jobs
- Coop: show vacant store jobs
Work out at the gym

Many gyms need resource staff who can hop in and work at the front desk one hour a month. If you still spend all your time in the gym, or have plans to do so, you might as well make money while doing so.Tip: Ask those who already work there how they got the job.Find a gym job
Youth jobs in children and education
Work with homework help

Homework help often pays very well and comes with flexible times. Working as a homework help often means that you agree to work for "your" family for a longer period of time, at least one semester. As a youth job, homework help is perfect, it is very flexible, and you refresh the memory from previous school years.Tip: Go to your local primary school and put up notes, so you can ask for the price you think you are worth.Work as a homework help, take part in the best tips hereFind a job as a homework help
Work as a babysitter

Like homework help, you as a babysitter will be expected to work for a longer period of time if you work extra as a babysitter. Being a babysitter means a huge responsibility, but is also one of the most fun things you can do as an extra job.Tip: Knock on your neighbors' door and let them know you are looking for a babysitter job, or see if anyone in the area is looking for a babysitter via Yepstr.Here There are more tips for you as a babysitter and your babysitter familyFind a babysitter job
- Nanny.nu: show vacant babysitting jobs
- Babysits: show vacant babysitting jobs
Work as a youth leader

Youth leaders are often a summer job, but there are also weekend activities. The Church of Sweden and many leisure centers are looking for youth leaders. These jobs are often reserved for you who are in your older teens and may have been active in some organization before.Tip: Think about the different organizations you have been involved in before, sometimes you forget your contacts from a young age. Have you been a scout, active in the church or maybe been in a hobby organization? +Find a job as a youth leader
- Metrojobb.se: show vacancies job as a youth leader
- Scouterna: show vacancies jobs within the scouts
Work as a sports coachYou do not have to have been a super talent to work as a sports coach for boys' teams, however, you need to have a strong sense of responsibility and a little weight.Tip: Think back to which sports you yourself have engaged in and talk to your old coaches. If they do not have coaching roles as youth jobs, you can always try to get a job at the association's reception.
Work via Yepstr

Are you a youth between 15-24 years? On Yepstr, you can find your first job, make money and step into the job market. Whether you are looking for a summer job to earn a penny for a trip, extra work in addition to your studies or a weekend job when the schedule allows, you use Yepstr to build your CV and get valuable references. With us, you will find jobs as a babysitter, garden help, dog sitter, homework help, or why not a party fixer. Once you have proven yourself good and reached a sufficiently high level (yes we have levels), you have the opportunity to apply to companies that are looking for extra staff or offer other types of student jobs and youth jobs. Join and start your career on Yepstr.Read More Download Yepstr now!
Find an internship (bonus)
Do you have big plans for the future and less need for extra money? Then a part-time internship can be a good solution. Ordinary youth jobs may not fit in with your future plans. If so, you can contact interesting companies and offer your services as a part-time trainee. Remember that you should still ask for a salary for the effort and ask for guidance.Are you looking for a summer job? Check out our summer job guide!More tips? Here you will find 14 creative ways to make money.

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